The difference between power distribution box and lighting distribution box

Power distribution box is a kind of distribution box. The distribution box is divided into power distribution box and lighting distribution box, which is the final equipment of the power distribution system. The distribution box is a low-voltage power distribution device that assembles switchgear, measuring instruments, protective appliances and auxiliary equipment in a closed or semi-closed metal cabinet or on the screen according to the electrical wiring requirements.
The distribution box is divided into power distribution box and lighting distribution box, which is the final equipment of the power distribution system. The distribution box is a low-voltage power distribution device that assembles switchgear, measuring instruments, protective appliances and auxiliary equipment in a closed or semi-closed metal cabinet or on the screen according to the electrical wiring requirements. During normal operation, the circuit can be switched on or off by means of manual or automatic switches.
In the event of failure or abnormal operation, the circuit can be cut off or alarmed by means of protective appliances. Various parameters in operation can be displayed by measuring instruments, and some electrical parameters can be adjusted to prompt or send signals for deviations from the normal working state. It is often used in various hair, distribution and substations.

1. Lighting distribution box
Wall installation, terminal power distribution, the main loads are lighting fixtures, ordinary sockets, small motor loads, etc., the load is small, mostly single-phase power supply, there are also three-phase power supply but less application, the total current is generally less than 63A, single outlet circuit The current is less than 15A. Non-professionals are generally allowed to operate.

2. Power distribution box
Floor installation, the main load is power or lighting and power are used together, and a large-capacity distribution box that provides power for lighting loads (beyond the 63A level, non-terminal power distribution, such as the upper-level power distribution of lighting distribution boxes). Usually only professionals are allowed to do it.